Test Objective
The test assesses the security of the organization’s systems from Internal Network attacks.
Audit Serve’s Internet Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing Methodology
Step 1: Network Mapping and Discovery
Step 2: Target Identification and Service Discovery
Step 3: Vulnerability Identification, Analysis and Risk Validation
Step 4: Active Exploitation
Step 5: Remedial Advisory
Audit Serve’s Internet Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Report
Our penetration test report contains two parts:
Common Usage of the Service
Contact Mitch Levine at Levinemh@auditserve.com or call (203) 972-3567 to (203) 972-3367 to start the penetration test of your organization.
Cost of Service
1 – 3 IP Addresses
4 – 7 IP Addresses
8 – 15 IP Addresses
16 – 35 IP Addresses
One Time Scan & report w/o rerun option
One Time Scan & report with rerun
Quarterly Scan & report
Call for Price
Quarterly Scan & report with rerun
The rerun option allows for a subsequent scan to be run after the organization completes the remediation of issues identified during the initial scan. If the rerun option is selected, the initial deliverable will be a report of issues. After the rerun is performed, the final report will be issued.
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